Saturday, October 14, 2017

A Stolen Moment

Dragon's favorite place to study is my cave in the garage.  Surrounded by workout equipment, a punching bag and targets punched full of holes.

It is quiet out there.  A place the kids avoid.

I needed to get some hand sewing done on a project, so I joined him.  We both worked in silence for over an hour.  He closed his computer and gently put my project back in my basket.

It was time play.

He picked up the paddle and I removed the clothing that just seems to get in the way. It wasn't the longest or hardest paddling I've ever had but it sure did feel good.


  1. Awww happy to read this. You both needed that! Just remind Dragon that when he gets stressed from work and or school that as well as receiving can relieve stress. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat
